
LogMyLife is an Android application under development.

LogMyLife helps with recurring events and tasks by:

  • Logging when an item (event or task) was performed
  • Alerting when an item has not been performed for a specified period.
  • Hopefully, someday serving as input to a website for the same purpose but with greater abilities like graphical log analysis.

Examples of uses it may address:

  • How long has it been since I watered the plants?
  • When did I last change that filter?
  • When did I get an oil change for my car?
  • Remind me to call home every so often.
  • When was my (or her) last period?
  • How often have we eaten out in the last month?

Perhaps it will merge later with a more generic task/calendar app, not sure. The code is licensed under the GPL and available on GitHub for your forking pleasure – wouldn’t mind having some comments, advice, and help developing.

I’m still working on the terminology. In fact, I’m not even too sure about the application name yet. Here are some under consideration:

  1. WhenDidI – It’s intended to be the answer to this question!
  2. TellMeWhen – Describes both major functions: tell me when I did X, and tell me when it’s time to do X.
  3. Nerfl or Nerfling – because I own the domains and they’d be “different” names.
  4. SuperTracker

Also I’m not sure what to call the items. They need to be abstract enough to describe any occurrence you might want to keep track of, but not so vague that people don’t understand what it’s for. Item? Event? Trackable? Tracker? I’m kind of against “item” as that term is used for something very common in Android!

What do you think?

One Response

  1. cant tell how recently this was posted… I think it may be older… I use AnyDo occasionally, to keep track of Tasks – I dont know anything about Android programming, but it would be cool if LogMyLife would interact with AnyDo (like in a backend XML database or somewhere) to capture when tasks were completed…

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